Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Examining Codes of Ethics

NAEYC I-1.2  To base program practices upon current knowledge and research in the field of early childhood education, child development, and related disciplines, as well as on particular knowledge of each child.
Significance:  With data, research, and knowledge, we can make better decisions on behalf of all children.   I enjoy researching the data to support the case for investing in early childhood education and quality care.
NAEYC I-1.10  To ensure that each child’s culture, language, ethnicity, and family structure are recognized and valued in the program.
Significance: U.S developmental milestones and teaching strategies appear to be primarily based on the dominant culture and language.  While there is more emphasis on the immigrant culture and language in recent years, I think there is insufficient recognition of other cultures, such as:  Native Americans, African Americans, and Appalachian.  This is an area I am particularly interested in, that’s why I chose the Teaching and Diversity specialty.
NAEYC – I-4.6 To work through education, research, and advocacy toward a society in which all young children have access to high quality early care and education programs.
Significance:  School choice (i.e. charter schools and vouchers) are popular ideals.   However, I have not seen data or research that shows that more choices actually improve quality education for all children.  School choice does not help ALL children.  What will happen to the children who cannot enter a charter school because of the long waiting lists and are not eligible for a voucher?  I am concerned for the children who are left.  For this reason, I recently joined the Indiana Coalition for Public Education.  


  1. You are right about the school choice does not help all children (Joy, 2011). I think all school should provide quality care for children. As you said all children want be able to attend charter school. So it is important to make sure those children aren't left behind. I like how you arrange your post.

  2. Joy,
    I like your thoughts on home grown cultures. It is true, that we do not pay much attention to some of our own countries native cultures.
    Mary L.

  3. Your right diverisity is not just about where we are from but who we are and the region we live in or even the part of the city. And with those part should come great of not better education. Trying to make education equal for all is something ALL teacher should work towards.

  4. I agree that choice does not equal improvement. Right now in the MN legislature an organization is trying to take the school districts school readiness money to distribute in other ways. We do have the data to show our school based programs do work. Our lobbyists are working overtime trying to convince representatives who don't know much about early childhood that the money should stay with the schools. I'm very frustrated right now!
    Way to go on joining the Coalition!

  5. Joy I agree there is insufficient recognition of other cultures and that is also one of the reasons I chose Teaching & Diversity specialty
