Friday, June 10, 2011

My Supports

We all need some type of support.  My supports are God, family, my pastor, and my job.  God is my source from whom all things are praiseworthy and possible.  My family is my foundation where I have safety and shelter, both literally and figuratively.  My pastor interprets the Bible so I understand how I am supposed to live so that I may have joy, love, peace, strength, and confidence.  My job is my source of income and insurance.  My job allows me to go back to school, have a house, pay medical bills, and go on vacations.  These are my supports. I cannot imagine life without my supports.  They are the framework that I hang my body on. They provide the stability I need to function in a sometimes crazy world.

If  were deaf or hearing impaired, I would still need the same supports, but much more. I would need a culture of similar people who understand my experience because they are deaf too. I could confide in them and cry with them.   At my job, there's an employee resource group for the disabled and deaf. This group is a source of support and advocacy for policy changes.  I would need a paid interpreter as a support.  Without monetary assistance for an interpreter, I might not be able to afford one.  Without an interpreter, I would not be able to understand meetings at work, know what my pastor is saying, or enjoy concerts. I would also need supervisors, coworkers and friends to seek out classes to help them understand my world.  This would help deepen our relationship.  Without supports like these, I would probably feel alienated and isolated.  Most people mean well, but without these supports, access, participation, and full acceptance are not as open as they may appear.  The sign may say "all are welcomed", but the lack of supports keeps some people away.  Whether we acknowledge it or not, everyone looses when all are not really welcomed.


  1. Joy, I really like the statement "this is the framework I hang my body on". This is so powerful and something for all to consider. Thanks for sharing your supports.

  2. Your support system is one surrounded by people who love and support you. Support systems are important and makes us who we are. Joy your and faith and love of God is very insprirational. I enjoyed reading your post. Tonetta B. Marion

  3. Hi Joy,
    My favorite line, "I understand how I am supposed to live so that I may have joy, love, peace, strength, and confidence."
    Great post!
